WASHINGTON - The existence of beings other than foreign residents such as alien to the Earth at this time is still a mystery that's not many.
Edgar Mitchell is a former astronauts in the Apollo 14 mission in 1971 to reveal the possibility of life in space. Unfortunately, the truth is still kept by the meeting of government and the United States also other countries.
As dilansir from CNN, on Wednesday (22/4/2009), Mitchell announced the findings at the National Press Club, a kind of a routine five-yearly meeting that was attended by activists UFO researchers and the research-ahead to learn about the possible existence of alien.
"All the people think that only kitalah the only one living in this nature. But now we have more evidence about the existence of life other than on Earth. That means, we are not alone," said Mitchell.
Mitchell was born and grew up alone in Roswell, New Mexico, where as a trusted location UFO plane had fallen the first time in 1947. He believed the exposure based on the UFO from the local community. Although the actual power of the military forces throughout the area close to the mouth, but the New Mexico believed Mitchell could reveal this truth.
Finally, ten years ago himself appointed by the Pentagon to discuss this matter. One of the officials of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who does not want his name mentioned a promise to dismantle the truth behind the Roswell story. However, in the development, officials are also in the story that when he has evidence of UFO.
The NASA, who confirmed this on CNN refused to comments. According to them, NASA did not have a specific task, and never be involved to investigate information about the existence of the UFO and Alien.
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