While other devices on the network, the user can be prompted to enter your user name, password below. Not so busy now and then type the password, the user can provide a check in front of the option [Save password]. Then, when you access the same device, it does not need to type the password again, the contents of the folder will be open.
How do I remove the password that was saved terlanjur Windows? It's easy. Follow these steps.
1. In Windows Vista, click [Start], type "rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr" in the search field, and press [Enter].
2. Window "Stored User Names and Passwords" appears. In the window you can see all the account password is stored in the computer. To delete, click the [Remove].
3. Click [OK] on the confirmation window and the account will be deleted from the list of premonition that password stored was lost.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 above to remove the password on other accounts.
5. When finished, click [Close].
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